Monday, May 4, 2009


The opportunity for us to go and pursue the vision that God has laid on our hearts is finally here! On June 14th we will be leaving to go to Cambodia to help train girls who have been rescued from the sex trade. We are both hairstylists and have been blessed with stellar training over the past few years and are excited for the opportunity to give back what we have learned to a greater cause. We have a desire to see these girls succeed so that they can support themselves and not have to go back to the way they used to live. While we are there we will be providing more advanced training and proper sanitation to girls who are already working in a salon. We also have been in contact with many great ministries in Cambodia and will be meeting with them while we are there to see what areas of their ministry we can help with. 

If you would like to help support our trip we will be doing hair at Studio Blu on Monday June 8th from 10-8 to raise money for our trip. 100% of the profit and tips will go toward our trip. Please call Chrissy 815-721-0073 or Kristin 815-378-8224 to schedule an appointment. 

Womens Haircuts $30
Mens Haircuts $20
Color and Highlights starting at $50 (call Kristin or Chrissy for detailed color pricing)

Above all we would really appreciate your prayers for planning, safety, health, and clear vision on this trip.


  1. Kristin,
    I am so excited to see that you are able to use your gift to help these girls once again.You will be in my prayers as you prepare for this trip.

  2. Chrissy,
    We love you and will be praying for you and carrying you in our hearts 24/7..
    Love Mom & Allen...

  3. Chrissy,
    ..."Be strong and courageous. ..." Joshua 1:9
    You are in the front lines of battle, continue to let the Lord lead you.
    We love you and are praying for you and your team.
    Love Dad and Debbie
