Thursday, May 21, 2009


I have had many people asking me if there is a way they can give support other than our June 8th salon day. If you would like to help financially support this trip we really are grateful and definitely appreciate your inquiring about it. You can make a check to Christian Service International and noted in the memo line of the check "June 09 Missions Trip" and send it to the address below. Just make sure that you do not write Kristin or my name on the check, if you would like the check to be specifically going to support one of us just put a post it or a slip of paper in with the envelope that indicates who it is for. The IRS watches non-profits closely to make sure they are not using tax receipt funds for the personal benefit of anyone so that is why our names can't be on the check.

Christian Service International
Attn: Wally Yeager
14630 Double Eagle Court
Fort Myers, FL 33912-1716

Thank you everyone for how supportive you have already been. I have had many of you telling me that you are already praying for us and we could not ask for better support than that!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oops, here's my comment that I messed up above! Was just praying for the two of you. I am trusting that you are there and have arrived safely. Also, praying that God would give clarity as you meet with people over there and that they would have a vision that works perfectly with what God has placed in your hearts. ~Bets

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